Tuesday, January 14

The Meddling Agencies

Things seem like they will only get worse as fast as the tyranny of our own American government overtakes the civil liberties once so taken for granted, now lined for more than ever. Disgust is really the only way to put the way I'm feeling right now about the opposition of our government against its people. From  illegal activities such as unlawful search and seizure through the leaked top secret NSA spying programs, to the prohibition of cannabis, to the presence of our military in places they do not belong, to the central banking system being run by private bankers to many many other things, some of which would seem inconceivable to you and I. There is an underlying sense of fear as I write this under my own name because I know partially of what these monsters are capable of. I used to have this recurring nightmare / dream where I would be walking down the sidewalk and when I would turn the corner around this building a van, sometimes white, and sometimes black would pull up next to me and put a bag over my head and put me in the van and close the door as they would drive off really fast.  I always woke up after that. My point is that I have been afraid of our government for a long time and that is just not the way it is supposed to be. Thomas Jefferson said some things about that I believe and don't quote me but he said something like,  no American should fear the government, it is the government who should fear the people. I'm not sure actually if that's what he said but that was the idea of our founding forefathers. Treasonous and unconstitutional acts  committed against America or it's people should not go unpunished.  It is important to be educated and never to stop learning of the truths and lies being fed to you or for what you seek for that matter. Misinformation is everywhere and the truth is often mixed with lies to make it more difficult for the masses to figure out. Then, unfortunately, some people like me get labeled as conspiracy theorist, and made to look crazy. True conspiracy theorist make themselves look crazy all in there own most of the time but what is a theorist anyways? Someone who comes up with their own ideas of conspiracies? I think that's crazy anyways, but it doesn't take a PhD to put the pieces together of certain puzzles that unfold themselves through multiple different stories of many different outlets to reveal what being the curtain of the stage these people are performing on.

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