Friday, January 17

Drama queen

I am such a girl some days. Days like these I have this feeling like I eat to cry, all day long, but I don't. Every once in a while my lip will quiver and I'll frown and start to make a face like I'm ready to start but they've in bite my lip and try to think of something nice, usually another person that makes me feel good. Days like today are the worst because I'm an emotional wreck and I don't know what the problem is,  I think it's a lot of problems that all stack and make life seem unbearable at times, and today happen to be one of those times. It's actually an accomplishment to write this today because I ordinarily shut out the entire world when I feel like this. The vast world of the Internet, full of people who could care less about me is still a step forward to the typical recluse that I can be when my life is in disarray.  Tomorrow is a new day and it's just one day at a time, tomorrow is almost always better than today, when today is bad, partially because it's new and full of surprises and partly because it's an opportunity to look at a new day with new eyes and a different perspective than the day before. Every day is a learning experience and the next day is opportunity, so I look to tomorrow but I love for today. Good night cruel and beautiful world.

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