Monday, January 13

Twists of life

It's crazy how fast things can get twisted up in your life, sometimes at the drop of a phone call things can change as you know it. For better or worse it changes the person you once were and even the person you had hoped to become. Life turns plans upside down on their head almost inevitably. But plans must be made and plans must be changed according to life's own plan for us regardless of if we know that plan or not. Most all,  if no one,  will not know the paths we are intended to walk until the time has come and we are faced with decisions and or information that changes our essence of being. The paradigm shift, the changing of one's entire way of thinking usually due to psychic or spiritual transformation or a realization of a corrupt belief system that is no longer relevant to you or your way of life any longer  but this radical change in thinking can also be brought on in other ways, mainly, news of something devastating such as a death or a divorce,  a breakup or learning you have cancer, It changes you as a person. Sometimes in a heartbeat it will change you and sometimes it may take years. One of the things my grandpa always used to say was "the only constant is change, it's the only thing you can be sure of".  It's something I heard more than a few times and it has stock with me because it is one truth I hold more evident than any other. The next truth I hold evident is that there is no guarantee of how long any one person will be in your life, ANY one person, meaning of you love someone make sure they know and cherish every moment you have with the people you care about and then, even the ones you don't. You can learn a ton.  Thanks for reading, if you made it this far please like.. 

Sunday, January 12

Hair bun

In not sure if I'm just weird or if maybe this is normal and there are others like me who really think it's sexy for girls to have their pretty hair up in a bun on top of their head. Hair is kind of a big deal for me but when a cute girl with nice hair puts it up in a messy bun, it is really hot. So either I'm weird or there are other guys who feel the same way,  but no matter, I can't really just change the things that I like.

Saturday, January 4

A touch of Tempe beauty

Not a lot of this can be considered beautiful in Tempe since the take over by corporations of the mom and pop shops that used to be the backbone of downtown Tempe's society along with of course  ASU. the fact is there are nice, pretty, artistic things to see in Tempe still, those things just aren't as abundant.  Here are some fun pics I took